About Jordan Homes of NC

HomeAbout Jordan Homes of NC

Price is what you pay; value is what you get.

Owner, Todd Brady, believes a great quality, beautiful custom home should be affordable to everyone. Building custom is the way it should be done. When you go to Starbucks you can order a coffee with as many variations as you want. Building a custom home should be the same way. When you work one-on-one with a custom home builder to create your custom home you can personalize every detail to ensure the home meets your expectations. You retain full control over the experience, allowing you to create the custom home exactly the way you want it. We all know that buying an existing house always means a little bit of a compromise. And that was why I began my company.


It was based on the idea that homeowners shouldn’t have to compromise and that with the right help, they could afford to make something truly their own. Our team believes that everyone deserves to live in a home designed just for them. Not close to what they want, but exactly what they want, right where they want to live. Even if you don’t plan to sell your home at some point, it will be a part of your overall net worth. So it’s important that every element, from the location to the design, adds value. Everything from flooring to outdoor upgrades can impact your custom home’s resale value.

Jordan Homes of North Carolina builds beautifully inspired custom homes with unlimited possibilities on the land that you love. If you don’t have property yet, we can even help you find the right land.

Many people think that a custom home is beyond their budget. The truth is a well-crafted, custom home built by Jordan Homes of North Carolina can be priced better than an existing home and be built exclusively around you. We’re in the business of building unique, personalized and affordable homes because they unlock the joys of home life like nothing else. If you’re ready to talk, we’re happy to answer your questions. Send us an email to admin@jordanhomesofnc.com or call 336.362.2443 to speak with a Jordan Homes associate.

Todd currently lives in Cascade, VA and builds custom homes in North Carolina and Virginia. He has three children.

The company is named after Todd’s oldest son, Jordan. Jordan works in the business as the Superintendent.

Pictured above are Todd and Jordan after winning the 2007 American Kennel Club World Coonhound Championship in Greensburg, Ind.